Welcome to North Innovation Studios

By signing up as a client of North Innovation Studios you are agreeing to these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions set out what’s expected of both parties and offers protection to both you and us. These terms and conditions can change at any time without notice so we recommend coming back regularly to check for any updates.


North Innovation Studios takes payment up front for the month ahead. Payment is taken by card or PayPal on the day the client signs up. The client then enters a monthly rolling subscription and payment will be taken on the same day each month, unless otherwise agreed.

If a card payment fails, we will automatically notify the client and allow two further attempts at payment within the following 7 days. If payment still hasn’t been received, social media posts will stop immediately, unless an agreement has been reached.

If a client wishes to cancel their agreement with North Innovation Studios, they must cancel their subscription via the website or through PayPal before their subscription renews. If this isn’t done, it is assumed that the client wishes to continue and no refunds will be issued.


North Innovation Studios aims to respond promptly to all client enquiries, returning most tickets and emails within 24 hours. Emails are not responded to over the weekend.

During busier periods it may take a little longer for us to respond but we will always try to prioritise urgent messages.

Please note that North Innovation Studios cannot be held responsible for damages or loss of earnings should we take longer than 24 hours to respond.


All content created for the client by North Innovation Studios becomes the copyright of the client and the client is free to reuse this content. However, North Innovation Studios reserves the right to reuse and repurpose (unless the contains contains client-copyrighted media items provided to North Innovation Studios by the client) the content produced for other client accounts.

Social media accounts created by North Innovation Studios on behalf of the client become property of the client once North Innovation Studios hands over account login details and/or admin access.

Websites created by North Innovation Studios on behalf of the client become property of the client once North Innovation Studios hands over account login details and/or admin access.

Content and service

North Innovation Studios will create social media content according to instructions we are given by the client during the onboarding process, which include: brand guidelines, social media guidelines, social media resources, target audience, and more. Content will be well researched from trusted sources, as well as the client’s website. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure information on their website is correct.

We will make every effort to ensure our social media output is correct, but it is ultimately the responsibility of the client to ensure the content being posted is accurate and to inform us of any errors. We are not liable for damages should any inaccurate information be published on your social media accounts.

We recommend that you keep your account manager up to date and informed of any news or changes to your business.

Our social media posts and Facebook Ads service is designed to increase your brand awareness and generate new business. However, we cannot guarantee any results and are not liable for loss of earnings as a result of not gaining new business through our service. We make every effort to ensure the ad campaigns we run deliver results, but we also rely on the client’s website being well optimised for conversions. It is the client’s responsibility to convert any leads into business.

Reseller terms

North Innovation Studios makes every effort to ensure that reseller’s clients aren’t aware that we are running their social media accounts. This is primarily done via our white label social media dashboard tool, but from time to time through admin and editor rights on Facebook pages. We cannot accept responsibility for reseller’s clients discovering our involvement by tracing back Facebook admins and editors to North Innovation Studios. It is the reseller’s responsibility to ensure our involvement is masked.

Resellers must follow our payment terms and make upfront payment, regardless of the agreement they have in place with their client.


North Innovation Studios takes data protection and GDPR very seriously and complies with all regulations. You can read our privacy policy here. We hold client contact information centrally and securely so our account managers can get in touch with clients. This information is for internal use and can be used for marketing purposes.

Passwords and other sensitive data provided by the client to North Innovation Studios will be stored securely. Whilst we don’t usually require any social media login details, it is necessary from time to time and we recommend sharing these details securely through our client portal.

All sensitive information is securely deleted when a client cancels their subscription with North Innovation Studios, although contact information may be retained for future marketing purposes.

Changes to terms and conditions

North Innovation Studios reserves the right to make changes to these terms and conditions, and our privacy policy, at any time without notice, at our sole discretion. Your continued subscription to North Innovation Studios following any change to these terms and conditions constitutes your agreement to them. We recommend you bookmark this page and check for updates.

Last edited on 22-12-2020